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Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics

Figure 1: AN/APQ-126

Figure 1: AN/APQ-126

frequency: 16 500 ±40 MHz
pulse repetition time (PRT):
pulse repetition frequency (PRF): 3 600; 720 or 360 Hz
pulsewidth (τ): 0.2; 1 or 2 µs
receiving time:
dead time:
peak power: 60 kW
average power:
instrumented range: 50 NM (≙ 92 km)
range resolution:
hits per scan:
antenna rotation:


AN/APQ-126 was operating in Ku-band forward-looking airborne navigation and weapon control radar. Its main functions were ground mapping, air-to-ground ranging and flight safety.

The antenna reflector has overall dimensions of 13.2 inches (33 cm) in height and 22.1 inches (51 cm) in width. The polarisation is user selectable linear horizontal or circular.

The radar was developed for the U.S. Navy A-7E and U.S. Air Force A-7D Corsair attack aircraft in early 1970s.