www.radartutorial.eu www.radartutorial.eu Card Index of Radar Sets - Air Defense Radar

Type 910

Description of the radar set, tactical-technical characteristics

Figure 1: Type 910

Figure 1: Type 910

frequency: X-band
pulse repetition time (PRT):
pulse repetition frequency (PRF):
pulsewidth (τ):
receiving time:
dead time:
peak power: 5 kW
average power:
instrumented range: 30 km
range resolution:
hits per scan:
antenna rotation:

Type 910

Type 910 is operating in the X-band lightweight tracking radar for use with the UK’s Sea Wolf short range Surface-to-Air Missile Guided Weapon System GWS 25 Mod 0 point defense missile system. It use a coaxially mounted TV camera as an alternative tracker.

The Type 910 tracker group has one main reflector and two side auxiliary antennas, all circular polarized. The main reflector has a diameter of 1 m and has a shallow convex cover. The both auxiliary antennas transmit the commands to two missiles at slightly different frequencies.