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Radar Simulators

Figure 1: Radar simulator from the company Rhein-Köster,
installed in the International Academy of Civil Aviation Mohammed Ⅵ. in Casablanca

Figure 1: Radar simulator from the company Rhein-Köster,
installed in the International Academy of Civil Aviation Mohammed Ⅵ. in Casablanca

Radar simulators

Radar simulators generate signals or data that are similar to the signals or data of real radar equipment and can be used for training, technical maintenance, or to deceive radar detectors.

Radar simulators for training

These simulators generate complete air situations and sceneries for the training of operators such as air traffic controllers. They train the operation of radar equipment, enable the display of standard situations, and provide the basis for learning how to react, such as making decisions on specific hazardous situations in the airspace.

Radar simulators for technical purposes

Figure 2: Radar simulator for SSR signals from Intersoft Electronics (Belgium)

Figure 2: Radar simulator for SSR signals from Intersoft Electronics (Belgium)

Figure 3: Radar simulator for primary radars of the company ATC-Global

Figure 3: Radar simulator for primary radars of the company ATC-Global

These simulators generate measurable signals for testing evaluation circuits or logic. They are either directly adapted to the device under test or can universally retrieve a wide variety of signal forms from a database. These signal forms are provided on a line and can also be radiated into free space with an antenna. These simulators are also suitable for training. Technical personnel is addressed here.

Radar simulators for electronic warfare

These simulators are designed to deceive radar warning receivers of the enemy and simulate a functioning radar site. A rotation of antennas is simulated by periodic amplitude modulation. Here different radar signals can be transmitted simultaneously and simulate the operational readiness of an air defense site.